GLY&DARWY is an acrostic to remind us of the greatest truth mankind has ever known.
Friend, have you ever looked up at the night sky, at all those countless stars, and felt a deep, empty ache inside? That's a longing, a yearning that every one of us has. It's a longing for something more, something real, something lasting. That something, that Someone, is God.
You see, the Bible tells us that God created everything – the stars, the earth, and you. He didn't just create us and walk away. He loves us, each and every one of us, with a love that's bigger than anything we can imagine. It’s a love that sent His only Son, Jesus, to earth.
Now, we all know we are not perfect. We mess up. We make choices that take us down the wrong path. The Bible calls this sin, and it separates us from God. It's like a big, thick wall standing between us and Him. But God, in His great mercy, didn't leave us stranded. He sent Jesus to break down that wall.
Jesus lived a perfect life, a life without sin. Then, He willingly died on the cross, taking the punishment for our sins. He paid the price we couldn't pay. He was buried, but three days later, He rose from the dead, conquering sin and death forever!
That's the good news, the Gospel. Because of what Jesus did, we can have a relationship with God. It's not about being good enough or perfect enough. It's about accepting God's free gift of grace. It’s about believing that Jesus is the Son of God, that He died for your sins, and that He rose again.
God desires a personal relationship with you. He wants to be your Father, your friend, your guide. He wants to walk with you through the ups and downs of life. He wants to give you peace that passes understanding and a hope that never fades. He wants to give you eternal life, a life that begins now and continues forever in His presence.
Imagine knowing that you're loved unconditionally, that you're forgiven, that you have a purpose. Imagine having a relationship with the One who created you, the One who knows you better than anyone else. That's what God offers.
He's not some distant, angry judge. He's a loving Father, reaching out to you, saying, "Come home." He’s waiting with open arms.